
Department of Innovation and Development Policy

      The Department of Innovation and Development Policy, committed to cultivate public policy experts, government management elites and corporate executives with solid theoretical basis, broad research vision and skillful policy operation in the field of innovation and development, is mainly engaged in the research and education of strategy ,policy and management of innovation and  development, promotion of innovation-driven development strategy, comprehensive study of innovation and development strategy and policy, establishment of theory system in innovation development , methodology and investigation system, academic network and case study system, layout of scientific theory and methodology of innovation and development policy, technology foresight and emerging industry development, innovation and development policy, innovation and entrepreneurship policy, technology and innovation management, social innovation and management, monitoring and policy simulation of innovation and development.

      The Department of Innovation and Development Policy, founded on the basis of Center for Innovation and Development of CAS, innovation and entrepreneurship policy research office affiliate to Institute of Policy and Management of CAS and Office of innovation and development policy, is an important team for the research of national innovation policy and the formulation of its planning. There are eight professors and six associate professors.

Name Gender Education Title E-mail
Chen Kaihua Male PH.D Associate Professor
Fang Xin Female PH.D Professor
Gu Shulin Female PH.D Professor
Guo Wen Female PH.D Associate Professor
He Chuanqi Male PH.D Professor
Huang Xiaoru Female PH.D Associate Professor
Leng Min Male Master Associate Professor
Li Zhenzhen Female B.E. Professor
Mu Rongping Male PH.D Professor
Qu Wan Female PH.D Associate Professor